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Dr Alesia Moulton-Perkins

BA (Hons), PGCE, PGDip, MA, MSc, PsychD

I am a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, BABCP accredited CBT therapist and have completed training as a teacher of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy. As well as working in private practice through my consultancy Online Psychology and Counselling Ld, I am also Co-director at NeuroDiverse Online, a small clinic diagnosising and treating neurodivergent children and adults.

I specialise in offering online neurodevelopmental assessments (ADHD, ASD & Tics), therapy and supervision in CBT and third wave approaches such as compassion-focused therapy, mindfulness and acceptance commitment therapy. I work with adults, particularly neurodiverse people, and those in the health and educational sectors who are experiencing stress at work, or struggling to maintain a balance between their personal and work lives. My clients might be ex-pats, doctors, nurses, psychologists, teachers or university lecturers/researchers – anyone who wants a safe listening space to find a solution to their emotional or work-related problems. I also offer supervision to a range of psychological therapists seeking or maintaining BABCP accreditation (psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, mental health nurses). My supervision specialisms are CBT, neurodiversity and online working. I lead the development of an e-learning course on digital mental health commissioned by the British Psychological Society which is part of my work as Secretary to the Digital Healthcare Committee for the Division of Clinical Psychology. Shortly my first book will be published on digital mental health, co-authored by leading experts Prof Helen Pote and Dr Sarah Campbell.

Prior to working in private practice I worked at the University of Surrey on the clinical psychology doctoral training programme, where I led on CBT and digital mental health. Before that I worked in the UK National Health Service (NHS) in a neurobehavioural service with adults with ADHD and Tourettes syndrome; in a general hospital delivering individual and group psychological therapy to people with long term conditions such as chronic pain; and in a hospital occupational health department helping hospital staff experiencing work-related stress and depression. My first post after qualifying was in an Improving Access to Psychological Therapies primary care mental health team where I delivered individual CBT to individuals experiencing depression and anxiety disorders such as Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), health anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), specific phobias, social anxiety, low mood / depression and agoraphobia and panic disorder.

My interest in developing the skills of others began during my first career as a teacher. I worked as an English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) teacher and then as a class teacher in primary schools. During my 10 years in education I worked in both the UK and Spain, in private international schools and state schools. I was born in the US, but came to the UK when I was three. I returned to live and work in the US for a few years in my 20s, and then in my 30s lived in Spain. In my 50s I moved to France. My experience of living abroad helps me work with ex-pats who may be having difficulties adjusting to a new home in a foreign country. I now live between Chichester, UK and my sailboat, currently travelling around the UK and Europe with my husband who is a musician and clinical psychologist. 

Qualifications and professional registration

  • Registered Practitioner Psychologist with the HCPC (PYL24461). Completed a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Surrey 2006-2009.
  • Chartered Clinical Psychologist with the British Psychological Society (203219)
  • Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist with the British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (100817). Completed a Diploma in CBT at Canterbury Christ Church University, 2009-2010.
  • Foundation Training in Mindfulness-Based Approaches (MBCT/MBSR), Sussex Mindfulness Centre, Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, 2020

I am/have been a member of various professional networks such as:

  • Division of Clinical Psychology, Group of Trainers in Clinical Psychology
  • British Psychological Society
  • British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies

I have served as a committee member of:

  • Faculty of Clinical Health Psychology, Division of Clinical Psychology, British Psychological Society
  • Treasurer of the Division of Clinical Psychology, South East Coast Branch, Division of Clinical Psychology
  • Ordinary member, Society of Psychotherapy Research
  • Member of Research & Development Working Party, Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Online (ACTO)
  • Secretary of the Digital Mental Health Sub-committee of the Division of Clinical Psychology, British Psychological Society. We are currently developing digital mental health competencies for psychological therapists

I have completed specialist training in CBT for ADHD with Dr Susan Young, a leader in this field, and training in Comprehensive Behavioural Intervention for Tics (CBiT) with Prof Doug Woods. This approach has been evidenced as effective via telemedicine and incorporates Habit Reversal Therapy. For more information about telemedicine and what it is like to have therapy this way see the Tourettes Action article here. I am listed with Tourettes Action as a trained behavioural therapist. I have also completed training to diagnose autism using the ADOS and ADI-R.

My interest and skills in online working have been furthered by completing training in avatar therapy with ProReal, a company who provides a virtual reality platform for therapy and coaching contexts. I have completed a certificate in online working with the Academy for Online Counselling & Psychotherapy and am a Level 2 professional member of Association for Counselling and Therapy Online

Like all psychological professionals I receive clinical supervision to make sure my practice stays ethical and informed by the best available evidence. I receive specialist CBT supervision online by a senior CBT therapist and clinical lead of a local IAPT service, and specialist supervision in online working from a leader in the field of online counselling from the Academy for Online Counselling & Psychotherapy. To maintain and enhance my skills in working with Tourettes and tics I attend regular supervision organised by Tourettes Action and led by Dr Tara Murphy, a leading UK clinician and researcher in this field.

I am a registered psychologist in the UK (HCPC PYL 24461) and in France (ADELI 509305496). 


Chichester, West Sussex




Pote, H., Moulton-Perkins, A. & Campbell, S. (2025). Psychological Digital Practice: The Basics and Beyond. Open University Press.

Book chapters:

Pote, H., Moulton-Perkins, A. and Rides, G. (2025). Frameworks for digital practice. In H.Pote, A.Moulton-Perkins and S. Campbell (Eds). Psychological Digital Practice: The Basics and Beyond. Open University Press.

O'Mahony, C., Okesola, K., de Vere White, R., Elvin, G., Galloway, S. and Moulton-Perkins, A. (2025) Safe practice and risk. In H.Pote, A.Moulton-Perkins and S. Campbell (Eds). Psychological Digital Practice: The Basics and Beyond. Open University Press.

Moulton-Perkins, A. and Gough, J. (2025). Assessment, diagnosis and formulation. (2025). In H.Pote, A.Moulton-Perkins and S. Campbell (Eds). Psychological Digital Practice: The Basics and Beyond. Open University Press.

Thew, G. Moulton-Perkins, A. and Cavanagh, K. (2025). Digital psychological interventions. In H.Pote, A.Moulton-Perkins and S. Campbell (Eds). Psychological Digital Practice: The Basics and Beyond. Open University Press.

Pote, H., Griffith, E., and Moulton-Perkins, A. (2025). Training and sharing psychological information digitally.  In H.Pote, A.Moulton-Perkins and S. Campbell (Eds). Psychological Digital Practice: The Basics and Beyond. Open University Press.

Weitz, P., Moulton-Perkins, A. and Sharma, R. (2025). Online supervision. In H.Pote, A.Moulton-Perkins and S. Campbell (Eds). Psychological Digital Practice: The Basics and Beyond. Open University Press.

Moulton-Perkins, A, Cavanagh, K., Masheder, J., Strauss, C. & Taravajra. (2022). Mindfulness groups by videoconferencing. In H.Wilson (Ed). Digital delivery of mental health therapies: A guide to the benefits, challenges and making it work, London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Busuttil, A., Tuite, M. & Moulton-Perkins, A. (2015). Working with people with physical health problems. In G. Davey, Lake, N. & Whittington, A. (Ed.), Topics in Applied Psychology: Clinical Psychology. (2nd ed.). Hove: Routledge.

Moulton-Perkins, A., & Whittington, A. (2015). Working with people with anxiety disorders. In G. Davey, N. Lake & A. Whittington (Eds.), Topics in Applied Psychology: Clinical Psychology (2nd ed.). Hove: Routledge.

Peer-reviewed journals:

Cox, K. E., Simonds, L. M., & Moulton-Perkins, A. (2021). Therapist-targeted googling: Characteristics and consequences for the therapeutic relationship. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. Advance online publication.

Cox, K. E., Simonds, L. M., & Moulton‐Perkins, A. (2021). Patient‐targeted googling by psychological therapists: A narrative review of the literature and ethical implications. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research.

Moulton-Perkins, A., Moulton, D., Cavanagh, K., Jozavi, A., & Strauss, C. (2020). Systematic review of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy and mindfulness-based stress reduction via group videoconferencing: Feasibility, acceptability, safety, and efficacy. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration.
Moulton-Perkins, A., Wressle, A., Grey, N., Sired, B. An evaluation of a psychology graduate internship programme. (2019). The Journal for Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 14(6), 423-435.
Cucchi, A., Hampton, J., & Moulton-Perkins, A. (2018). Using the validated Reflective Functioning Questionnaire to investigate mentalizing in individuals presenting with eating disorders with and without self-harm. PeerJ, 6, 1-24.
Fonagy, P., Luyten, P., Moulton-Perkins, A., Lee, Y.W., Warren, F., Howard, S., Ghinai, R. Fearon, P. & Lowyck, B. (2016). Development and validation of a self-report measure of mentalizaing: the Reflective Functioning Questionnaire. PLoS ONE 11(17).


Other journals

Horsley, B., Moulton-Perkins, A., & Belchamber, G.  (2016). A survey of staff attitudes and practices around patient involvement in a clinical health psychology specialty. Clinical Psychology Forum, 287, 15-20.

Stevens, D., Whittington, A., Moulton-Perkins, A. & Palachandran, V. (2015). Voluntary psychology graduate internships: Conveyor belt of exploitation or stepping stone to success? Clinical Psychology Forum, 270.

Moulton-Perkins, A., & Tuite, M. (2014). Facing your fear and doing it anyway: Using social media professionally. Clinical Psychology Forum, 260.

Perkins, A. (2008). Review of the book 'Managing Social Anxiety: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach'. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 36,(1), 119-120.

Meddings, S., Perkins, A., Wharne, S., Ley, P., Collins, T., & Wilson, Y. (2007, May). Being assertive effectively. Mental Health Today, 34-36.



Moulton-Perkins, A., Pote, H. Papadopoulu, E., and Rides, G. (2021). Training psychological therapists in digital mental health: an e-learning course. Poster presented at the MindTech conference.

Pote, H., Moulton-Perkins, A., Holloway-Biddle, C., Rides, G., Cavanagh, K., Clarkson, L., Griffith, E., Jacques, C., Latchford, G., E., Richardson, G., Thew, G., Read, R., Priest, P., & Raczka, R. (2020). Competence framework for digital clinical practice: Psychological practitioners.
British Psychology Society, Division of Clinical Psychology, Digital Healthcare Committee

Pote, H., Hollowway-Biddle, C., Moulton-Perkins, A., Griffiths, E., Latchford, G., Raczka, R., Cavanagh, K., Fawcett, G., Peters, M., Richardson, G., Laidlaw, K. (2018). Digital competencies for clinical psychologists. Poster presented at the MindTech conference, Royal College of Physicians, London.

Moulton-Perkins, A. & Querstret, D. (2017). Compassionate ProReal: online therapy supported by avatar based virtual world software for depression and long-term health conditions. Poster presented at the 9th International Society for Internet Research Conference, Berlin.

Moulton-Perkins, A. & Tibbles, J. (2016). Bringing compassion to adults with ADHD: A 10 session CBT for ADHD group. Poster presented at the Compassionate Mind’s 6th International Conference, Birmingham.

Moulton-Perkins, A., & Tuite, M. (2011). Sussex Network of Advanced Pain management Services (SNAPS). Poster presented at the British Pain Society Pain Management Annual Conference, Bath.


Online publications

Moulton-Perkins, A., & Murphy, T. (2019). Spotlight on Clinical Psychologists. Tourette’s Action: Professions. Downloaded from

Pote, H., Moulton-Perkins, A., & Rides, G. (2020). Digital Competencies for Psychological Practitioners in IAPT services






Dr Alesia Moulton-Perkins

Online Psychology and Counselling Limited.

Registered company in England and Wales (Companies House 10940785)

Registered office address: Online Psychology and Counselling Ltd, 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ

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ACTO 2020 Level 2 Professional Member